Blackstaff Ecology has an in-house ecological contracting team to complement our ecological survey and impact assessment services.

Our fully licensed ecological contracting team are ready to implement protected species mitigation, compensation and habitat management/enhancement solutions where suitable habitat is to be lost to development works.

Ecologists from Blackstaff Ecology can now provide services right from project inception through construction and operation. We can also include long-term bespoke site management solutions for habitat management; allowing valuable development land to be used to the full with compensation and enhancement measures being undertaken off-site on your behalf (and for the lifetime of the required HMP/Planning Conditions).

Our qualified staff provide a complete range of cost-effective practical services to fulfil protected species licencing requirements and planning conditions, and to enhance your site for wildlife in the long-term. We can also work in tandem with your existing site contractors to assist you in meeting any planning obligations which related to ecology.

We have a dedicated specialist in-house tree climber (and support team) to undertake endoscoping surveys for bats in trees, red squirrel dreys and to erect, monitor and maintain bat boxes, pine marten den boxes and barn owl boxes.

Our team are licensed to work with a range of protected species, including bats, barn owl, red squirrel, pine marten, smooth newt and viviparous lizard, and our team is also very experienced in developing and implementing badger mitigation and compensation solutions.

All our staff are committed to safe working practices whilst on site, are Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) certified and hold all relevant qualifications and insurances.

For more advice on protected species mitigation solutions or how to improve a site for wildlife, please call 07779094488 (UK) or 085 7680260 (RoI) to discuss with one of our ecologists your site requirements, or email and we will get in touch.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

On-site Supervision

  • Ecological Clerk of Works
  • Provision of qualified and licensed ecologists to work alongside site contractors, for example during windfarm construction, building demolition, vegetation clearance and/or other construction works which will impact on protected habitats & species

Habitats & Vegetation

  • Vegetation clearance using methods that are sensitive towards protected species such as smooth newt, viviparous lizard and breeding birds
  • Habitat enhancement, such as tree planting and wildlife pond construction
  • Habitat management including woodland, scrub, hedgerow and pond management


  • Supply and erection of bat boxes
  • Destructive search, including roof stripping under licence
  • Toolbox talks for contractors and other site workers in relation to carrying out works that will impact on bat species and their habitats
badger, animal, badgers

Badger, Otter, Red Squirrel & Pine Marten

  • Badger sett closure under licence
  • Artificial sett design and construction
  • Artificial holt creation
  • Supply of pine marten den box (including siting and erection)
  • Red squirrel mitigation, movement and endoscoping of dreys


  • Nesting bird survey
  • Vegetation clearance using methods that are sensitive towards nesting bird species
  • Supply and erection of bird boxes
  • Toolbox talks for contractors and other site workers in relation to carrying out works near to or around nesting bird species


  • Reptile capture and translocation
  • Installation of temporary and permanent reptile fencing
  • Destructive search, including hand searching for individuals prior to vegetation removal and soil stripping
  • Hibernacula and log pile creation

Smooth Newt

  • Smooth newt capture and translocation
  • Installation of temporary and permanent newt fencing with pitfall traps
  • Destructive search, including hand searching for individuals prior to soil stripping
  • Hibernacula creation
  • Pond design and construction


  • Habitat clearance under licence
  • Dormouse capture and translocation
  • Supply and erection of dormouse boxes
insect hotel, wood, shelter


  • Supply and erection of insect nest boxes
  • Installation of log piles, loggeries and bee hotels

For more advice on protected species mitigation solutions or how to improve a site for wildlife, please call 07779094488 (UK) or 085 7680260 (RoI) to discuss with one of our ecologists your site requirements, or email and we will get in touch.